Question #11: Does Your IT Vendor Have Multiple Techs Who Know Your Business?

Question #11: Does Your IT Vendor Have Multiple Techs Who Know Your Business?

Many business owners and IT leaders are unsure of the right questions to ask a perspective IT vendor.

Hi, I'm Ross Brouse President of Continuous Networks, and today I want to talk about the 21 questions you need to ask a perspective IT vendor before you trust them with your network and data.

Question 11, Does your IT vendor have other technicians on staff that are familiar with your company and network in case your regular technician gets sick, goes on vacation, or quits? Client vendor relationships like all relationships are about trust, we find people we enjoy working with and we put our trust in them. In the case of business, we must also worry about continuity in addition to trust, have you ever spent time thinking of the critical points of failure within your network, staff, or processes?

Your IT vendor should have specific processes and systems to prevent single points of failure when it comes to providing you with the support and continuity you require. We keep detailed network documentation on every client account we've managed and any of our technicians can easily pick up where another left off. In addition, we take the time to train secondary technical account managers so that there is an ongoing knowledge sharing and transfer. This ensures that you and your business are never left with a single point of failure when it comes to your technology support.

If you'd like to find out how our Managed IT Solutions could work for your business, you can book a call with our friendly team of experts by clicking the button below to visit our CyberSCORE page, or send us an email to

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Ross Brouse

President, Continuous Networks

Ross has served the IT needs of businesses across NY and NJ for more than 15 years. He's also the host of the Legends Of I.T. Podcast, a show for dedicated I.T. Professionals to improve their skills and respective organizations each day.