How To Reduce Interruptions and Get More Done Each Day

How To Reduce Interruptions and Get More Done Each Day

Are other systemic issues preventing progress in YOUR business each day?

If you're concerned with system issues, downtime events, or worse, a cyber security attack taking YOUR business offline, click the Orange button to book your FREE CyberSCORE Assessment with our team.

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Video Transcription

Seriously, how efficient are you REALLY when it comes to work?

Well, if it's your boss asking, you're probably going to say something like, "I'm always very busy".

But let me hit you with a frightening data backed stat…

Once the task you're working on has been interrupted, it takes on average 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back on task.


Gloria Mark, a professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine conducted a research study with information workers that high tech companies.

They shadowed each person for three and a half days and timed everything down to the second.

And, they measured each interruption, whether it was a phone call, email, or a shoulder tap.

How many interruptions do you experience during the day? 5? 10? 15 or more?

A further experiment by the same researchers revealed that workers who were interrupted experienced higher levels of stress greater levels of frustration and increased mental overload.

Conversely, those who are not interrupted worked slower and reached a deeper level of thinking.

So how can you combat the evil time suck enemy known as the interruption?

One of the ways I found to overcome this is with a tool I call "The Acceptable Interruptions List".

Imagine for a second that you're hard at work on an important task and I want you to think about what a really good reason might be for someone or something to interrupt you.

  • Family emergency!
  • Major customer crisis!
  • Physical illness!

Most likely if you think about it, you'll have no more than three to five acceptable interruptions.

This is your acceptable interruptions list.

DO NOT STOP what you are doing unless one of these things on the acceptable interruptions list happens.

How do you manage the evil time suck enemy known as the interruption?

If you're concerned with system issues, downtime events, or worse, a cyber security attack taking YOUR business offline, click the Orange button to book your FREE CyberSCORE Assessment with our team.

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Ross Brouse

President, Continuous Networks

Ross has served the IT needs of businesses across NY and NJ for more than 15 years. He's also the host of the Legends Of I.T. Podcast, a show for dedicated I.T. Professionals to improve their skills and respective organizations each day.