Is Your Workforce Browsing Securely? Here Are Some Helpful Tips to Make Sure It Is

Is Your Workforce Browsing Securely? Here Are Some Helpful Tips to Make Sure It Is

With cybersecurity risks as seemingly every turn, something as benign as browsing the internet can put your company's information and network at risk.

When one of your employees is browsing the internet with a traditional web browser, they might be exposing important information, like his or her search preferences, or welcome tracking mechanisms, like cookies. A user doesn't necessarily have to download a corrupt file to welcome a threat, the simple act of browsing is enough to put sensitive information at risk.

This underscores just how prevalent cybersecurity risks are it shows that choosing the right web browser is important (and maybe something you haven't given much thought to). The following are some tips and information on how your workforce can browse the internet securely while on your network.

Keep browsers updated

Some of the most popular web browsers, like Google Chrome, are constantly introducing new security patches that you must download and install in order to keep your browser fully secure. If you fail to keep up on these patches, you could be at risk. One helpful way to make sure you don't forget is to enable automatic updates.

These popular browsers also tend to have a "secure" browsing mode that you can select, but don't be fooled, you can still expose your information when you're in that mode.

Pop-up blockers are a must

Pop-up ads are quite often the culprit for delivering malware to your computer. An enticing ad might pop up asking you to click, or you might even click on a pop-up by accident.

Many browsers have a pop-up blocker feature already installed, but if you really want to make sure that your efforts are effective, researching and downloading some of the industry's best blockers will ensure that pop-ups will not get through,

Implement a secure browser or use a VPN

Have you ever heard of browsers like Tenta, Vivaldi or Puffin? Perhaps not, but just because they aren't household browser names doesn't mean they aren't effective.

In fact, these are browsers that are specifically designed with one thing in mind: security. They're some of the most secure browsers available and will do their job in keeping your information under wraps.

Or, you might consider using a VPN to browse. By encrypting your internet traffic through a VPN, no one will be able to access your information.

If your business has not given a second thought to how secure its web browsing is, then it's time to do so. Everything you do online must be layered in security, browsing included.

Ross Brouse

President, Continuous Networks

Ross has served the IT needs of businesses across NY and NJ for more than 15 years. He's also the host of the Legends Of I.T. Podcast, a show for dedicated I.T. Professionals to improve their skills and respective organizations each day.